不利條件的英文 不利條件用英語怎麼說?
disadvantage n.不利條件;不利環境
handicap n.生理缺陷;殘疾;障礙;不利因素;讓步賽;不利條件;額外負重;超過標準桿數的擊球次數
常用 重點詞彙
1. 有利條件超過不利條件。
The advantages outweighed the disadvantages.
2. 一個主要的不利條件是資料的有限性
A major disadvantage is the limited nature of the data
3. 他學習英語的不利條件
His drawback in learning English is his age.
4. 有利條件與不利條件相抵綽綽有餘.
The advantages more than balance the disadvantages.
5. 一個不斷給她添麻煩的不利條件
A back condition that bothers her constantly.
6. 處於不利條件並預期失敗的人。
One at a disadvantage and expected to lose.
7. 他身體不好是他的不利條件
His poor health was disadvantage to him.
8. 另一候選人的主要不利條件是她的年齡問題。
The other candidate's main disadvantage is her age.
9. 但是驟然加大酒精產量會遇到一些不利條件.
But ramping up ethanol production has drawbacks.
10. 她要是想當演員,她的口音是個很大的不利條件。
Here accent will be very much to her disadvantage if the wants to be an actress.
adverse conditions; disadvantage; handicap