寬大的英文 寬大用英語怎麼說?
roomy adj.寬敞的;寬大的
commodious adj.寬敞而舒適的;方便的
spacious adj.寬敞的
lenient adj.仁慈的;寬容的;柔和的;平靜的
generous adj.慷慨的;大方的;豐盛的;善意的;量多的
magnanimous adj.寬宏大量的;有肚量的
常用 權威
1. 寬大為懷
be magnanimous with sb; treat sb leniently
2. 寬大政策
lenient policy; policy of leniency
3. 量刑寬大
exercise leniency in passing sentence
4. 請求寬大
petition (sb) for clemency
5. 寬大的客廳
spacious sitting room
6. 懲辦與寬大相結合
combine punishment with leniency
7. 請求法庭寬大處理
ask the court for leniency
1. \更寬大\一詞(第4段)在意思上最接近不太嚴重。
The expression \more lenient\ (Para. 4) is closest in meaning to less severe.
2. 然後一個瘦骨嶙峋的少年,穿著一件寬大的白色T恤,滑到橫樑前。
Then a rail-thin teenager, in a baggy white T-shirt, skidded up to the beam.
3. 寬大的樓梯從大廳盤旋而上。
A big staircase winds up from the big hall.
4. 我很欣賞她在這件事上表現出來的寬大胸懷。
I appreciate her generosity in the matter.
5. 我的房子很寬大。
My house has considerable dimensions.
6. 對輕罪犯人法官實在是太寬大了。
Judges were far too lenient with petty criminals.
7. 寬大且用覆蓋縫針法縫製的外觀。
[as adj. overstitched]the baggy, overstitched look.
8. 她穿著寬大不時髦的家務服。
She wore a big mumsy dress.
9. 連衣裙逐漸加寬,形成了寬大的裙裾。
The dress flared out into huge train.
10. 他的虔誠和寬大的心胸總能減輕其過失。
His sincere piety, his large heart always qualify his errors.
形詞 roomy; commodious; spacious
1. 我的房子很寬大。
My house has considerable dimensions.
2. 寬大的客廳
spacious sitting room
形詞 lenient; generous; magnanimous
1. 我很欣賞她在這件事上表現出來的寬大胸懷。
I appreciate her generosity in the matter.
2. 待人寬大仁慈
be lenient in one's treatment of people
動詞 be lenient (with an offender)
1. 請求法庭寬大處理
ask the court for leniency
2. 寬大政策
lenient policy; policy of leniency
3. 寬大處理
treat with lenience; show mercy to; deal with leniently