自助的英文 自助用英語怎麼說?
self-service adj.自助的;自選的;自動售貨的;自己操作的
self-help n.自助;自力更生;使人自助的
常用 權威
1. 自助遊
do a self-service tour; do a private tour; make an independent tour; go on a DIY tour
2. 自助餐
3. 西式自助餐
Western buffet
4. 自助洗衣店
launderette; laundrette; washateria; washerette; washomat; laundromat
5. 自助商店
self-service shop
6. 自助銀行
self-service bank
7. 自助加油泵
self-service petrol pump
8. 自助團體
self-help group
9. 自助旅行
self-guided tour
10. 自助火鍋
buffet hot pot
11. 自助食堂
self-service canteen
12. 自助洗車
self-service car wash
13. 自助餐館
self-service restaurant
14. 自助洗車處
1. 它是中國第一家自助銀行。
It's the first self-service bank in China.
2. 自助書籍通常包括練習。
Self-help books often include exercises.
3. 大樓後面的自助餐廳。
Cafeteria at the back of the building.
4. 此外,自助書籍對年輕讀者發現自己的錯誤很有用。
Besides, self-help books are useful for young readers to find their mistakes.
5. 一般來說,自助書籍是由著名作家或成功的商人寫的。
In general, self-help books are written by famous writers or successful businessmen.
6. 自助者天助。
God helps those who help themselves.
7. 1946年的《全國學校午餐法》使自助餐廳更加普遍。
And the National School Lunch Act in 1946 made cafeterias much more common.
8. 如果你走進書店,你可能會看到書架上貼著\自助\的標籤。
If you walk into a bookstore,you might see shelves of books labelled(標註)\self-help\.
9. 有合法DVD的禮品店/自助餐廳/快餐店(觀看電影的爆米花)。
Gift shop with legitimate DVDs/ cafeteria/snack shops (popcorn for movie viewing).
10. 我意志消沉時就去一個自助團體。
When I suffered from depression I went to a self-help group.
自助(英文:self-help),讀音zì zhù,漢語詞語,指幫助自己,例句有“最後我七手八腳的把溼衣服拖到了自助洗衣店裡。” 相關近義詞有自立、自主,反義詞有依賴。
動詞 depend/rely on oneself
1. 天助自助之人。
God helps those who help themselves.
名詞 self-service; self-help
1. 自助團體
self-help group
2. 自助食堂
self-service canteen
3. 自助加油泵
self-service petrol pump