譴責的英文 譴責用英語怎麼說?
condemn v.譴責;責難;反對;判…刑;宣告(某事物;尤指建築物)不適用;證明…有罪;迫使…忍受令人不快之事
denounce v.譴責;公開指責;告發
censure v.嚴厲指責;譴責;申斥
常用 權威
1. 譴責暴力
condemn violence
2. 進行譴責
make a denunciation
3. 招致譴責
incur denunciation
4. 嚴厲譴責
severely condemn; sternly reprimand
5. 道義上的譴責
moral censure
6. 譴責外來入侵
denounce foreign invasion
7. 無聲的譴責
mute reproach
8. 譴責恐怖主義
condemn terrorism
9. 尖刻的譴責
sharp reprimand
1. 人們根據他們的信仰被擁護或譴責。
People are embraced or condemned according to their beliefs.
2. 儘管這可能是真的,但這也不足以成為譴責間隔年的理由。
But while this may be true, it's not a good enough reason to condemn gap years.
3. 我譴責這種無謂的暴行。
I condemn this kind of senseless violence.
4. 他受到了良心的譴責。
His conscience plagued him. / Conscience stung him sharply. / His conscience was heavy.
5. 天意阻止了他因良心譴責而自殺。
An act of providence had prevented him from having a death on his conscience.
6. 計劃受到了運動參與者們的譴責。
The plan was condemned by campaigners.
7. 他譴責這些球員玷汙了足球運動。
He condemned players for dragging the name of football through the dirt.
8. 兩位領導人都譴責軍事活動的升級。
Both leaders condemned the build-up of military activity.
9. 首相由於屈從美國而受到譴責。
The prime minister has come under fire for selling out to the United States.
10. 那事件是招致國際譴責的原因。
The incident was the subject of international condemnation.
《譴責》(Condemned)是由Eli Gesner執導並擔任編劇,莉蒂亞·赫斯特、邁克爾·吉爾、約翰尼·梅辛納、迪倫·潘等主演的恐怖電影,於2015年11月13日在美國上映。 該片講述了病毒聯合感染的有害廢物在居民樓內的誕生,人們變成嗜血狂暴的殺手的故事。
動詞 condemn; denounce; censure
1. 他受到了良心的譴責。
His conscience plagued him. / Conscience stung him sharply. / His conscience was heavy.
2. 嚴厲譴責
severely condemn; sternly reprimand
3. 無聲的譴責
mute reproach
4. 強烈譴責
emphatically condemn; make a vehement denunciation of; condemn in strong tones; strongly censure
5. 口頭/書面譴責
oral/written reprimand
6. 道義上的譴責
moral censure
7. 招致譴責
incur denunciation
8. 受到公開/普遍譴責
be publicly/universally condemned; come under public/universal condemning
9. 進行譴責
make a denunciation
10. 譴責外來入侵
denounce foreign invasion
11. 譴責虐待婦女兒童的行徑
condemn cruelty to women and children
12. 譴責恐怖主義
condemn terrorism