以同樣方式的英文 以同樣方式用英語怎麼說?
in the same way 同樣地
常用 重點詞彙
1. 我們必須以同樣方式看待氣候變化。
We have to treat climate change in the same way.
2. 我建議以同樣方式攻取西西里。
I propose to take Sicily in the same way.
3. 現在,我們能夠開始以同樣方式思考生物學。
We can now start to think of biology in the same way.
4. 他們幫助我克服困難,治癒傷痛。而現在到了讓我以同樣方式幫助他人的時候。
And have helped me overcome and heal. And now it's time for me to help others do the same.
5. 六西格瑪哲學已經解決了這個二分法正規化組織在其它領域的合作,旨在以同樣方式在醫療器械領域。
The Six Sigma philosophy has solved this dichotomous paradigm for organizations in other fields, and seeks to do the same for the medical devices field.
6. 對於大多數健康人來說,這很容易理解:他們喜歡自己,也想和那些以同樣方式看待自己的人在一起。
For people who are mostly healthy, this makes a lot of sense: they like themselves, and they want to be around others who see them the same way.
7. 請記住,如果 WebSphere Portal 安裝在群集上,則需要以同樣方式在群集中的每個節點上更新此檔案。
Remember that if WebSphere Portal is installed in a cluster, an update to this file in the same manner is required on each node in that cluster.
same; equal; similar; alike
way; fashion; mode; pattern