思想開放的英文 思想開放用英語怎麼說?
open-minded adj.思想開明的;無偏見的
常用 重點詞彙
1. 思想開放, 樂於接受新鮮事物;
Open-minded and competent to learn new ideas and techniques;
2. 科學態度中思想開放也至關重要。
Open-mindedness is also extremely important to a scientific attitude.
3. 他們非常有智慧並且思想開放.
Aquarius step - parent an intellectual sort who is also open - minded.
4. 他的活力,只是追平了他的思想開放。
His dynamism is only equalled by his openness of mind.
5. 銘記在心,思想開放可以拓寬你的視野.
Just keep in mind that open - mindedness broadens your horizons.
6. 他們思想開放,善於提問,見解迥異而深刻。
They were open-minded and able to question me clearly and raised many different opinions.
7. 我們廠長思想開放.
Our director has a broad mind.
8. 我認為我是一個思想開放的人,我尊重所有的人。
I consider myself as an openminded person and I have respect for all kind of people in general .
9. 我思想開放,我喜歡搞笑的幽默和令人愉悅的伴侶。
I am open minded and enjoy good humor as well as pleasant company.
10. 最關鍵的是保持思想開放,尋求嶄新的想法和觀點。
The important part is keeping an open mind and searching fo refresh ideas and perspectives.