被允許的英文 被允許用英語怎麼說?
be allowed
常用 重點詞彙
1. 汽車將不被允許進入這個城市。
Cars will not be allowed to enter the city.
2. 在早期,豬被允許自由走動尋找食物。
In the early times, pigs were allowed to wander freely in search of food.
3. 我認為16歲的孩子不應該被允許打耳洞。
I don't think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced (pierce).
4. 沒有飛行員執照的人不應該被允許有一個。
No one without a pilot's license should be allowed to have one.
5. 只有300人被允許攀登,而且只能在春天。
Only 300 people will be allowed to climb it, and only during spring.
6. 他們被允許自由地玩積木、玩具或和其他兒童玩耍。
They were permitted to play freely with blocks, toys or other children.
7. 公共汽車將是唯一被允許在其街道上行駛的交通工具。
Buses will be the only vehicles allowed on its streets.
8. 這些球探曾要求被允許訪問學校,以尋找未來的球員。
These scouts had asked to be allowed to visit schools to look for players of the future.
9. 此外,他們應該被允許去教書,並因做得好而得到獎勵。
Additionally, they should be allowed to teach, and be rewarded for doing it well.
10. 她的貓被允許隨便進出那所房子。
Her cats were given the run of the house.
be allowed