水族館的英文 水族館用英語怎麼說?
aquarium n.水族槽;水族池;養魚缸;水族館
1. 七年級時,我開始在加利福尼亞的蒙特利灣水族館做志願者。
In the seventh grade, I started volunteering at the Monterey Bay Aquarium in California.
2. 我第一次看見海豹是在水族館裡.
The first time I saw a seal was in an aquarium.
3. 你可以工作在水族館或者動物園。
You may also work in an aquarium or a zoo.
4. 毛伊島水族館,一隻夏威夷綠海龜。
At a Maui aquarium a Hawaiian green turtle makes a guest appearance.
5. 我在水族館摸到了一隻小魟魚.
I got to pet a small manta ray at the aquarium.
6. 水族館是如何保護水生動物的?
How Do Aquariums Protect the Underwater Animals They Keep?
7. 位於內有一個水族館,也是水廠手。
There is an oceanarium located inside and also lots of waterworks.
8. 水族館裡可以有好多個大鼻子。
In the aquarium can have a good number of big nose.
9. 島上還有一個水族館和博物館。
There is also an aquarium and museum you can visit on the island.
10. 它已在蒙特雷灣水族館養了6個月.
It has been at the Monterey Bay Aquarium for six months.
水族館是收集、飼養和展覽水生動物的機構。可專養海洋生物或淡水生物,也可兼養;既有供觀賞或普及科學知識的公共水族館,也有供科研及教學專用的水族館。包括所謂的“海底世界”、“極地海洋世界”也屬於水族館。“水族館”這一名稱也時常用於一些水族類商店。世界上第一個供展覽用的水族館於1853年在英國攝政公園(Regent's Park)對公眾開放。