發怒的英文 發怒用英語怎麼說?
flare up 動怒;燃燒起來;爆發
lose one's temper 捺不住性子;發脾氣;生氣
fly into a rage 勃然大怒
常用 權威
1. 無端發怒
flare up for no reason
1. 貓發怒了,全身的毛都豎了起來。
The cat bristled in annoyance.
2. 她並未因為他發怒而感到不安。
She was not fazed by his show of anger.
3. 他臉上那令人發怒
[as adj. infuriating]that infuriating half-smile on his face.
4. 很少有人敢惹他發怒。
Few dared his wrath.
5. 在那樣的情形下有時除了發怒之外別無他法。
Sometimes anger is the only resource left in a situation like this.
6. 他看起來像是要突然發怒的樣子.
He looked as if he was about to flare up.
7. 當他發怒時, 無人能勸慰他.
When he is in a wax, nobody can appease him.
8. 一個發怒的狗先張牙舞爪,後咬人.
An angry dog shows its teeth before it bites.
9. (不易發怒或慌亂的一位外交官);
A diplomat not easily angered or flustered
10. 媽媽聽我說了以後,一定會發怒的。
My mother will have a cow when I tell her.
[flare up;infuriate;get angry] 動怒,生氣。 她因為最微不足道的事而發怒。
動詞 get angry/mad; flare up; get into a huff; lose one's temper; fly into a rage
1. 無端發怒
flare up for no reason
2. 動輒發怒
anger easily; be prone to anger; flare up easily; take easy offences
3. 使人發怒
arouse sb's anger; anger sb; stir up/provoke/rouse sb's rage