陶醉的英文 陶醉用英語怎麼說?
be carried away 失去自制
revel in 陶醉在;陶醉於;縱情於
常用 權威
1. 自我陶醉
be intoxicated with self-satisfaction; become self-intoxicated
1. 我們不能陶醉於已取得的成績。
We must not let success go to our heads. / We must not be carried away by our success.
2. 夏天傍晚,花香令人陶醉
On summer evenings the flowers gave forth an intoxicating scent.
3. 他的表演使我們陶醉了。
We were carried away/enchanted by his performance.
4. 他陶醉於草原的美景。
He drank in the beauty of the grassland. / He was enchanted by the beauty of the grassland.
5. 這是一個讓人陶醉的依依懷舊之夜。
It was a magical evening of pure nostalgia.
6. 他稱這本小說是一派自我陶醉的廢話。
He dismissed the novel as self-indulgent twaddle.
7. 比爾說他正暗自陶醉於新獲得的聲譽裡。
Bill said he was secretly revelling in his new-found fame.
8. 他正陶醉於他的光榮時刻。
He was relishing his moment of glory.
9. 人群歡欣鼓舞,陶醉於愛國主義的情緒之中。
The crowd was high on euphoria and drunk with patriotism.
10. 陶醉於陽光明媚的午後,她不假思索地同意了。
Ravished by a sunny afternoon, she had agreed without even thinking.
陶醉(拼音:táo zuì),漢語詞語,本指酣暢地飲酒而醉。後以“陶醉”指沉醉於某種事物或境界裡面。例句為“你看,他陷入自我陶醉的境界了。” 相關古文有唐崔曝《九日登仙台》詩:“且欲近尋彭漫率,陶然共醉菊花杯。”近義詞為沉溺、沉浸、心醉,反義詞為清醒。
陶醉(1988年3月30日-),出生於中國河北,畢業於中國解放軍藝術學院,中國內地男演員。 2014年,浙江衛視選秀節目《中國好舞蹈》中獲導師海清極力讚賞,並憑藉舞蹈《父親》獲電視觀眾喜愛;同年主演了首部青春舞鬥系音樂劇《熱舞甜心》。2018年9月10日,出演的電視劇《舌害》上映。2020年12月20日,主演的電視劇《大江大河2》播出。2022年1月11日,主演的電視劇《致命主婦》播出。
動詞 be intoxicated (with happiness, etc); be enchanted; be carried away; revel in
1. 夏天傍晚,花香令人陶醉。
On summer evenings the flowers gave forth an intoxicating scent.
2. 我們不能陶醉於已取得的成績。
We must not let success go to our heads. / We must not be carried away by our success.
3. 他的表演使我們陶醉了。
We were carried away/enchanted by his performance.
4. 陶醉於成功
revel in one's success; be intoxicated by one's success