學習成績的英文 學習成績用英語怎麼說?
academic record 學術記錄;成績記錄;學業成績
常用 重點詞彙
1. 學生的學習成績是由基因決定的。
Students' academic performance is determined by their genes.
2. 儘管西蒙學習成績很好,但他仍然非常努力。
Although Simon has done well in his studies, he still works really hard.
3. 哪怕是輕微的注意力不集中,孩子的學習成績
Children's academic performance may suffer from even slight inattention.
4. 他學習成績優異,屢次受到表揚。
He was praised many times for his outstanding performances in school.
5. 這孩子的學習成績比先前強多了。
This child does much better at school than before.
6. 她的學習成績
Her school grades went downhill last semester.
7. 他在校的學習成績一直很好。
He has had a fine/good academic record at school. / His performance in school has always been fine/good.
8. 她的學習成績在往下出溜。
Her school record is slipping.
9. 他滿腦子的足球,以致學習成績都下滑了。
His preoccupation with football has caused his marks at school to slip.
10. 學年開始她的學習成績還不錯,可後來就開始退步了。
At the beginning of the year she did well in school, but then she started moving in reverse.
academic record; school record