自作自受的英文 自作自受用英語怎麼說?
stew in one's own juice 自作自受
sow the wind and reap the whirlwind 自食其果;惡有惡報
常用 權威 重點詞彙
1. 木匠帶枷,自作自受
the carpenter clapped in a cangue made by himself—as you make the bed so shall you lie on it; you've got the punishment you deserved
1. 就讓他自作自受。我才不會去幫他呢。
Let him stew in his own juice. I’m not going to help him.
2. 冒過大風險的借款人現在自作自受了。
For the overextended borrowers, the chickens have come home to roost.
3. 他自作自受,遭到了加倍的報應。
He reaped the whirlwind he had himself stirred up.
4. 你這叫做自作自受
This is what I call stewing in your own juice.
5. 你讓親愛的瑪格麗特自作自受去吧。
You let dear margaret stew in her own juice .
6. [諺]自釀苦酒自己喝,自作自受.
Drink as you have brewed.
7. 耍陰謀詭計的人終將自作自受.
Plots recoil upon the plotters.
8. 那位老男爵也不過是自作自受自遭殃。
That old baron got only what he deserved.
9. 我們現在在中東看到的是自作自受綜合症。
What we're seeing in the Middle East is the Boomerang Syndrome.
10. 一些人說他是自作自受。
Some people said he had drink what he brewed.
自作自受,漢語成語,釋義為自己做的事只能由自己承擔。例句:“他會有這樣的下場完全是自作自受。” 該成語出自宋代釋普濟《五燈會元》:“僧問金山穎:‘一百二十斤鐵枷,教阿誰擔?’穎曰:‘自作自受。’” 該成語的近義詞有自投羅網、惹是生非等;反義詞有自得其樂 、自慚形穢等。
null詞 suffer from one's own actions; stew in one's own juice; fry in one's own grease; lie in the bed one has made; be caught in one's own trap; sow the wind and reap the whirlwind
1. 就讓他自作自受。我才不會去幫他呢。
Let him stew in his own juice. I'm not going to help him.
suffer from one's own actions; stew in one's own juice; fry in one's own grease; lie in the bed one has made; be caught in one's own trap; sow the wind and reap the whirlwind