破案的英文 破案用英語怎麼說?
crack/break/solve a case; clear up a case
常用 權威
1. 破案線索
clues for solving a case
1. 威爾士警方是擁有最高破案率的警局之一。
Welsh police had one of the most successful clear-up rates.
2. 貴仁得知後決定協助歐文一同破案。
Guiren determines to help Owen to solve a case together after learning the fact.
3. 警方相互合作可以提高破案率。
The interaction between different police forces would improve the rate of solving crimes.
4. 有時,只消一點墨水他們便能破案。
Sometimes, using nothing more than a blot of ink.
5. 如果你看他們破案,你猜怎麼著
Lf you watch how they investigate . . . you know how
6. 偵探小說以犯罪及破案
A story dealing with a crime and its solution; a detective story.
7. 就看你,城市裡最棒的偵查員來破案。
It's up to you, the city's best detective, to solve the case.
8. 這兩點是能否破案的關鍵。
Those are the crucial points upon which the case depends.
9. 中國新聞週刊:這類案件的破案率怎麼樣?
China Newsweek: Are these types of cases likely to be detected?
10. 偵探必須用推論來破案.
A detective must use DEDUCTIVE REASONING to solve a case.
詞條:破案 拼音:pò àn
動詞 crack/break/solve a case; clear up a case
1. 限期破案
set a deadline for solving the case; clear up the case in a fixed period of time