看來的英文 看來用英語怎麼說?
it seems 似乎;好像;似乎是
常用 權威
1. 在我看來,它看起來太不整潔了。
To me, it looked much too untidy.
2. 看來,相似性往往有助於建立友誼。
It seems that similarity often helps form friendship.
3. 在亞歷克斯看來,芭蕾只適合女孩。
In Alex's opinion, ballet is only for girls.
4. 在曼森看來,應該鼓勵學生贏得校服。
In Manson's opinion, students should be encouraged to earn school uniforms.
5. 再次,看來我們有很多東西要向狗學習。
Once again, it seems we have a lot to learn from dogs.
6. 看來你患上了\害怕有更好的選擇\病。
It seems you suffer from \Fear of Better Options.\
7. 在我看來,學生可以從做家務中受益匪淺。
In my opinion, students can benefit a lot from doing some housework.
8. 在我看來,經常用手機看書是視力不好的原因。
In my opinion reading on mobile phones too often is the cause of having poor eyesight.
9. 在我看來,登頂不是爬乞力馬扎羅山最好的體驗。
The best of a Kilimanjaro experience, in my opinion, isn't reaching the top.
10. 在一些世界上最好的科學家看來,我們還沒有任何答案。
In the opinion of some of the world's best scientific minds, we don't yet have any answer.
看來,讀音為kàn lái,漢語詞語,表示經觀察而作出判斷。例句有“這個人說話好大的口氣,看來很有來頭”。 相關近義詞有如上。
動詞 it seems; it looks as if; it appears
1. 看來搶劫案是內部人乾的。
The robbery appears to have been an inside job.
2. 看來是這樣。
So it seems.
3. 看來他全都知道了。
It seems that he has learned everything.