洩氣的英文 洩氣用英語怎麼說?
lose heart 灰心;氣餒
disappointing adj.令人失望的
piteous adj.可憐的;使人可憐的
pathetic adj.引起憐憫的;可憐的;可悲的;感情的;情緒的;情感的;可憐巴巴的;很差勁的;不足的
常用 權威
1. 洩氣話
gloomy/disheartening/discouraging talk
2. 感到洩氣
feel discouraged
1. 他雖然不斷失敗,但並未洩氣。
His repeated failures presented no discouragement to him. / He was not discouraged a bit after repeated failures.
2. 這點小事你都幹不了,你也太洩氣了。
It’s rather piteous of you being unable to do such a small thing.
3. 工作量不斷增加可能會使他們洩氣。
They may lose heart as the work mounts up.
4. 她越想這事兒,越洩氣。
The more she thought about it, the more devastating it became.
5. 別洩氣!我們會活著走出叢林的。
Chin up! We'll get out of the jungle alive.
6. 傑夫: 別洩氣。我喜歡音樂會。
JEFF: Don't be upset. I love concerts.
7. 想到她有多少事情要做她就洩氣。
The thought of how much work he had to do discouraged her.
8. 但是說抱歉會令他們感到有點洩氣。
But saying sorry makes them feel a bit pathetic.
9. 胸襟狹窄的人,有時使我洩氣。
A: Sometimes, the narrow-minded people make me frustrated.
10. 下雨帶給我憂鬱不會使我沮喪洩氣。
The blues they send to meet me won't defeat me.
洩氣(英文:piteous),拼音為xiè qì,漢語詞語,意思是洩勁;出氣;使人洩氣,譏諷差勁,沒有本領。例句有:我們不能遇到一點點挫折就洩氣。 洩氣的近義詞為氣餒或灰心,反義詞為起勁或鼓勁。
動詞 lose heart; feel discouraged/disheartened/demoralized
1. 他雖然不斷失敗,但並未洩氣。
His repeated failures presented no discouragement to him. / He was not discouraged a bit after repeated failures.
2. 不要洩氣。
Don't lose heart. / Don't be despondent.
3. 像個洩了氣的皮球
like a deflated ball; crest fallen like a beaten cock
4. 容易洩氣
be easily disheartened/frustrated
5. 感到洩氣
feel discouraged
形詞 disappointing; piteous; pathetic
1. 這點小事你都幹不了,你也太洩氣了。
It's rather piteous of you being unable to do such a small thing.