是這樣的英文 是這樣用英語怎麼說?
That's it. 就是這樣;完全正確。
常用 重點詞彙
1. 倫敦是這樣的,各省更是如此。
What is true of London is even truer of the provinces.
2. 越來越多的情況不再是這樣。
Increasingly, that's no longer the case.
3. 如果是這樣,請在7點鐘早點來參加講座。
If so, come early to the talk at 7.
4. 想到下週的拼寫比賽,我的感受是
That's how I feel just thinking about the spelling competition next week.
5. 如果是這樣的話,我們團隊有個空缺適合你。
If so we have a vacancy in our team which would suit you.
6. 至少看起來是這樣。
At least it seems that way.
7. 但是事情是這樣的:我愛我的\低層次的\大學。
But here's the thing: I loved my \lower-tier\ (低層次的) university.
8. 這項研究的主要作者Vas Taras是這樣說的。
Vas Taras, the lead author of the study, puts it this way.
9. 但郵政特殊利益集團似乎已經扼殺了它,至少在眾議院是這樣。
But postal special-interest groups seem to have killed it, at least in the House.
10. 如果是這樣的話,把自己想象成像蝙蝠俠一樣擁有超凡能力的人。
If so, imagine yourself as someone with great abilities, like Batman (蝙蝠俠).
That's it.