遷移的英文 遷移用英語怎麼說?
move v.動;移動;改變位置;改變狀態;進展;發展;在…中進行社交活動;動議;提議;使(腸)排空
remove v.去掉;除去;廢除;取消;遠離;隔代的;隔親的;除掉;轉移;調動
migrate v.遷徙;移棲;洄游;移居;轉移;改用作業系統;遷移;把(程式;硬體)從一系統轉移到另一系統
make a move 動身, 開始行動
常用 權威
1. 遷移性
migratory nature
2. 遷移率
3. 語際遷移
interlingual transfer
4. 始點遷移
zero shift
5. 人口遷移
population migration
6. 自由遷移
freedom of movement
7. 遷移戶口
transfer one's residence registration
8. 語用遷移
pragmatic transfer
9. 遷移本能
migratory instinct
10. 語內遷移
intralingual transfer
11. 母語負遷移
negative transfer of mother tongue
12. 負遷移效應
negative transfer effect
13. 農村人口遷移
migration of rural population
1. 他們中的許多人將不得不遷移到紹特海的孤島上。
Many of them will have to migrate to isolated islands in the Shouter Ocean.
2. 這似乎是一種適應,讓人類遷移到全新不同的地區。
It seems to be an adaptation, which allowed humans to move into new and different areas.
3. 隨著時間的遷移,這件事逐漸被淡忘了。
The matter faded from our memories as time flew past.
4. 工廠由城內遷移到郊區。
The factory was moved from an urban area to a suburban one.
5. 他遷移到威爾士,開始了新的生活。
He removed to Wales and began afresh.
6. 父親經常出遊,多次舉家遷移。
My father travelled constantly and uprooted his family several times.
7. 他們在西部八個州輾轉遷移。
They hopscotched around eight Western states.
8. 公司遷移了其總部。
The company has moved its home office.
9. 確認遷移後的程式碼按預期的執行。
Confirm that the migrated code functions as expected.
10. 這並沒有否定遷移能力這一概念。
This does not negate the idea of migratory aptitude.
《遷移》 The Removed,是一部動作/驚悚/恐怖類電影,David McElroy(導演)指導,丹尼爾·鮑德溫Daniel Baldwin、菲利浦·愛德華·凡萊爾Phillip Edward Van Lear等主演。2012年美國上映。
動詞 move; remove; migrate; make a move
1. 隨著時間的遷移,這件事逐漸被淡忘了。
The matter faded from our memories as time flew past.
2. 工廠由城內遷移到郊區。
The factory was moved from an urban area to a suburban one.
3. 自由遷移
freedom of movement
4. 農村人口遷移
migration of rural population
5. 從農村向城市遷移
migrate from the country to the city
6. 遷移戶口
transfer one's residence registration