開學典禮的英文 開學典禮用英語怎麼說?
school-opening ceremony; school entrance ceremony
常用 重點詞彙
1. 這所新學校上週舉行了開學典禮.
The new school was inaugurated last week.
2. 學員們和到場嘉賓在開學典禮上合影。
Students and guests at the opening ceremony.
3. 開學典禮上,整個學校禮堂一片啜泣。
School begins ceremony up, one in the whole school hall sobs.
4. 那天是開學典禮,是校長高談闊論的日子。
It was the commencement day and the head master would talk in a lofty strain.
5. 隨著這次開學典禮的召開,此學期正式開始了.
The convocation ceremony officially begins the semester.
6. 開學典禮是哪天?
When was the opening ceremony?
7. 國王和王后陛下昨天主持了新建學校的開學典禮
Their Majesties the king and Queen opened the new school yesterday.
8. 我們的校長在開學典禮上嘮嘮叨叨地講了至少兩個小時.
Our headmaster rattled on for at least two hours at the opening ceremony.
9. 開幕式當天是在開學第二週的第二個星期開始,我覺得時間晚了,開學典禮上,顧名思義,就是開學了上學期啊!
The day of the opening ceremony was held in second weeks after the semester starts I feel the time is late the opening ceremony as the name implies is the beginning of the semester on ah!
10. 我們站在這莊嚴的禮儀廣場,隆重舉行開學典禮暨第一大周升旗儀式。 ∰此時此刻,我們志氣高昂,心潮澎湃。
Now, we are standing on the solemn ceremonial square to hold the first ceremony for the new term and to raise the flag on the first week. At this special moment, we are all very excited.
開學典禮(term beginsceremony)是指為學校新學期的開始而舉行的隆重儀式。該儀式的主要目的是為學生搭起展現自我的舞臺,總結回顧上學期,並對本學期的工作進行規劃,象徵著新的學期、新的開始。
school-opening ceremony; school entrance ceremony