二姐的英文 二姐用英語怎麼說?
second elder sister
1. 二姐在灌木裡發現了走失的羊羔。
Mengke's second elder sister has found a lost lamb in the bush.
2. 得知二姐身世真相的常蘭對常麗的態度好了很多。
That second sister of the truth of the story ChangLan ChangLi attitude to a much better.
3. 絲絃《小二姐做夢》是石家莊地方文化和審美傾向的直接反映。
Little Erjie's Dream is the direct reflection of Shijiazhuang local culture and aesthetic trend.
4. 看到大姐珊莎夜裡哭著入眠;看到二姐艾莉亞靜靜地觀望,把秘密藏在心中。
He saw Sansa crying herself to sleep at night, and he saw Arya watching in silence and holding her secrets hard in her heart.
5. 電話裡聽二姐說起的時候,我還說“反正我們過節是回家的,幹嘛多此一舉呢?”
Start listening to the phone, I said \since we are home, holidays, doing so superfluous? \
6. 儘管二姐說我這英語有點中式化,但我覺得對我的英語肯定會有所幫助的,畢竟接近生活嘛…
Although two elder sisters spoke my this English a little Chinese type, But I thought definitely can have the help to my English, After all close life…
7. 今天,是我很悠閒的一天,雖然在學習英語,但是效果還是一般,最主要是口語很差,但是比我二姐還是好一些。
Today is the day I am very relaxed, although in learning English, but the effect is general, is mainly spoken very bad, but I Erjie or better than some.