大智若愚的英文 大智若愚用英語怎麼說?
be seemingly slow-witted but really wise; a man of great wisdom looks dull; great wisdom has the look of folly
常用 重點詞彙
1. 大智若愚是-該沉默的時候沉默。
The greatest wisdom is to know when to keep silent.
2. 要在人世間取得成功,我們心須大智若愚。
To succeed in the world we must look foolish but be wise.
3. 大智若愚(能隱藏自己才是最大的才能).
It is a great ability to be able to conceal one ' s ability.
4. 大智若愚,大巧若拙.
Men of great wisdom often appear slow - witted.
5. 大智若愚人只.
He knows mint who speaks least.
6. 他們很清楚虛情假意和真愛、大智若愚和真正愚蠢、故作高深和學識淵博之間的區別。
They are aware that there is a difference between being loving and actually loving, between being stupid and actually stupid, between being knowledgeable and actually knowledgeable.
7. 只要有自信,成功一定常伴你一生;(另譯:自信而大智若愚的處世,成功一定常伴你一生)
All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure.
8. 《阿甘正傳》那傻傻卻有大智若愚的阿甘說(說他媽媽說),生活就像巧克力,你永遠不知道你將得到什麼。
Mom: You're going to have to figure it out for yourself. Life's like a bar of chocolate. You'll never know what you are gonna get.
大智若愚,漢語成語,指才智很高的人,表面看上去好像很愚笨。相關例句有“他不善交際,大智若愚,比誇誇其談之輩強過百倍”。 該成語出自宋代蘇軾《賀歐陽少師致仕啟》“大勇若怯,大智如愚”。主謂式,作謂語、定語、分句,是中性詞。 相關古文有“蓋眾川合流,務欲以成其大;土石並砌,務欲以實其堅。是故大智若愚焉耳。”出自明代李贄(zhì)《焚書·李中溪先生告文》,近義詞有虛懷若谷、不露鋒芒、大巧若拙等,反義詞有不可一世、鋒芒畢露、愚不可及等。
be seemingly slow-witted but really wise; a man of great wisdom looks dull; great wisdom has the look of folly