軟毛的英文 軟毛用英語怎麼說?
pappus n.冠毛;(Pappus)人名:帕普斯
down adv.向下;在下面;由強到弱;由高到低;由響到輕;由好到壞;寫下;記下;初付;付現;順水;成死球
fluff n.絨毛;軟毛;錯誤;絨毛似的東西;空洞(或膚淺)的娛樂節目
fur n.毛;軟毛;水垢;水鹼;(Fur)富爾人;富爾語
1. 他胸口覆蓋著濃密的金色軟毛。
His chest was covered by a thick mat of soft fair hair.
2. 也有硬毛,軟毛
There is also hard, soft, and medium.
3. 我媽媽纖細的手指撫摸它的軟毛.
Her thin fingers found his soft coat.
4. 黑貂是長有美麗黑色軟毛的小動物.
A sable is a small animal with beautiful dark fur.
5. 我喜歡他的毛絨絨的軟毛。
I like his fuzzy fur!
6. 你可以用軟毛牙刷清潔大多數男士首飾.
You can clean most mens jewelry with a soft bristled toothbrush.
7. 在電子艙中,用吸塵器和軟毛刷清潔裝置。
In the avionics compartment, use a vacuum cleaner and a soft brush to clean the equipments.
8. 用軟毛刷擦淨所有縫隙中看得見得殘留碎屑.
Scrub all crevices using a soft bristle brush to remove any visible debris from all crevices.
9. 這一路上,在幾天之內都會留下一簇簇它那白色的冬季軟毛。
Her passage to the landscape over the next few days is marked by tufts of her white winter fur.
10. 有叢毛的,羊毛狀的:覆蓋著一簇簇軟毛的,如榲桲的果實。
Covered with tufts of soft hair, as the fruits of quince.