家養的英文 家養用英語怎麼說?
tame adj.不怕人的;對人不危險的;馴服的;經栽培的;平淡的;枯燥的;無爭議的;願意合作的;經開墾的
domesticate v.馴養;馴化;栽培;種植;使愛家;使善於持家
cultivate v.耕;耕作;培養;養成;培育;栽培;陶冶;鬆土;種植;建立(關係);與(某人)建立友誼
常用 權威
1. 對門那家養了一隻狗。
The house opposite ours has a dog.
2. 對金翅雀的研究,既有野生的,也有家養的。
Studies of zebra finches, both in the wild and in captivity.
3. 春天的時候他家養了八淺子蠶寶寶.
His family raised eight shallow containers of baby silkworms in the spring.
4. 家養小精靈的角色和職責十分重要。
The role or function of the house-elves is very important.
5. 一個種內一種特殊的家養動物。
A special kind of domesticated animals within a species.
6. 我的朋友們在他們家養了一隻寵物豬.
My friends keep a pet pig in their house.
7. 他家養了一頭閹豬, 明天要宰殺了.
He keeps a hog, which is to be killed tomorrow.
8. 如何將野生和家養動物票價沒有我們?
How would wild and domestic animals fare without us?
9. 我家養著一條叫布蘭迪的狗。
My family has a dog named Brandy.
10. 我家養了一隻可愛的小貓,它叫小白。
I domesticated a cute little kitten , it is called white .
動詞 tame; domesticate; cultivate