淡紫色的英文 淡紫色用英語怎麼說?
lavender n.薰衣草;淡紫色;溫文爾雅;幹薰衣草;薰衣草香油精;女人氣;同性戀氣質;有教養
heliotrope n.天芥菜屬植物;淡紫色
orchid n.蘭科植物;蘭花
lilac n.丁香;淡紫色;丁香紫
常用 重點詞彙
1. 落日的餘暉僅剩幾縷微弱的淡紫色條痕。
A few pale streaks of mauve were all that remained of the sunset.
2. 衣服是淡藍色的,鑲著淡紫色的珠子.
It was gas blue with lavender beads.
3. 腮是否呈淡紫色?氨中毒。
Are the gills lilac in color ? ammonia poisoning
4. 她有一件淡紫色的衣服。
She has a new lilac dress.
5. 歐亞雜草開黃色淡紫色或白色花和承窩的果實.
Eurasian weed having yellow or mauve or white flowers and podlike fruits.
6. 這件淡紫色的如何?
How about the light purple one?
7. 歐亞草本植物,傘房花序末端開白色或淡紫色花.
Eurasian herb with white or pinkish flowers in a terminal corymb.
8. 出席的貴賓們都穿著不很長的淡紫色山東綢的衣服。
The honor attendants wore street - length dresses of lavender Shantung.
9. 說明: 淡紫色固體粉末, 易受潮, 不溶於水.
Description: Pale violet powder, hydroscopic, insoluble in water.
10. 丁香色,可以擦出美麗的淡紫色。 很輕微的光澤。
Lilac shade that can be rubbed down to a rosy-mauve if desired. Very slight sheen.
lavender; heliotrope; orchid; lilac