午餐肉的英文 午餐肉用英語怎麼說?
(pork) luncheon meat; lunchmeat
1. 午餐肉是我國出口的主要肉類罐頭之一.
Luncheon meat is one of the main exporting meat can.
2. 火腿很像大大片的午餐肉…
The ham looks like a big slice of luncheon meat…
3. 低脂午餐肉和低脂乳酪
Low-fat lunch meats and low-fat cheese
4. 那哪是早餐呢,我給你拿一些午餐肉
Well , i ' m pleased to meet you , lunch meat.
5. Alison選對了,帶午餐肉和雞蛋的湯麵。
Alison picked a winner with the luncheon meat and egg soup.
6. 對於這一家人,這樣得來的午餐肉,吃來更甘香可口。
The boy's parents must find luncheon meat he obtains this way particularly tasty.
7. 要想減少鈉攝入量,就找那種有“低鹽”標籤的午餐肉
To reduce sodium intake, look for lunch meats that are labeled \low sodium\.
8. 如果你在擔心午餐肉中過高的亞硝酸鹽,找那種未凝固的午餐肉。
If you're concerned about the level of nitrites in lunch meats, look for one that's uncured .
9. 在包括牛肉,牛奶,乳酪,午餐肉,奶油和鹹肉的很多動物製品都發現了大量的飽和脂肪。
High amounts of saturated fats are found in animal products such as beef, milk, cheese, lunch meat, butter and bacon.
10. 大多數新鮮蔬菜瓜果的鈉含量較低,此外,新鮮肉類中的鈉也比午餐肉、燻肉、熱狗、香腸和火腿中的低。
Most fresh fruits and vegetables are naturally low in sodium. Also, fresh meat is lower in sodium than are luncheon meat, bacon, hot dogs, sausage and ham.
午餐肉,是起源於美國紐約的罐頭食品,通常原料是豬肉或牛肉等,熟制,開罐即食。色澤紅潤、香味濃郁、肉質細嫩、富有彈性。主要營養成分是蛋白質、脂肪、碳水化合物、煙酸等,礦物質鈉和鉀的含量較高。出名的品牌有梅林、SPAM等。 其做法是將澱粉、麵粉、雞蛋蔥姜水放一起攪拌成細膩的麵糊備用,肥瘦比例為2:8或者3:7的豬肉攪成肉糜,麵糊、肉糜混合後加入鹽、糖、蠔油、沙姜粉、玉米油等調料用廚師機攪拌20分鐘,冷藏一晚後用錫紙裹緊成條狀,然後上鍋蒸熟即可。把午餐肉切成片,可以用來夾麵包食用,餐蛋面熱食也很美味。 午餐肉誕生於20世紀30年代經濟大蕭條時期的紐約,美國肉製品巨頭荷美爾食品公司利用人們不太愛吃的豬肩肉,把它剁碎,加入水、鹽、澱粉以成型,然後塞進方方正正的罐頭裡,起名為“SPAM”,據說是“香料火腿”(Spiced Ham)的縮寫。二戰爆發後,成為美軍軍隊口糧,並開始受到世界各地的青睞。