溝的英文 溝用英語怎麼說?
ditch n.溝;壕
channel n.海峽;頻道;波段;途徑;通道;通道;輸液道;輸液管;航道
trench n.溝;溝渠;海溝;戰壕;塹壕;塹壕陣地;一戰時期法國北部和比利時的塹壕戰;海底溝;戰壕雨衣
gully n.溝壑;峽谷;沖溝;小巷;小道;小路;三柱右側較遠處的防守位置;河谷;人工深水溝
ravine n.溝壑;皺谷;沖溝
furrow n.犁溝;凹槽;痕跡;車轍;皺紋
groove n.導軌;槽;常規;習慣;流行樂節奏模式;紋;好球部位;巖壁凹陷處
rut n.車轍;發情期;常規;慣例;老規矩;老一套
常用 權威
1. 亂石溝
boulder-strewn gully
2. 隔離溝
isolation ditch/drain
3. 皺胃溝
abomasal groove
4. 鞏膜溝
scleral furrow; sulcus sclerae
5. 鋪砌溝
paved ditch; paved gutter
6. 海底溝
submarine trench
7. 把溝填平
fill up a gully
1. 汽車從沙漠上開過,留下兩道溝。
The truck furrowed the sand as it crossed the desert.
2. 他一個縱步就跳到了溝那邊。
With one bound, he reached the other side of the ditch.
3. 她在階地裡挖了個六英尺深的溝。
She trenched the terrace to a depth of 6 feet.
4. 這條峽溝是由退潮的河水衝出來的。
The channel had been gouged out by the ebbing water.
5. 冰山在海底上劃出一道道溝。
Icebergs have ploughed furrows on the seabed.
6. 幹這事花費最少的方法就是挖一條長長的溝。
The cheapest way of doing this was to excavate a long trench.
7. 介紹了國內外共同溝的發展概況。
The paper describes the developments of the utility tunnels in some countries.
8. 一條溝作為南邊那塊地產的邊界.
A ravine delimited the property on the south.
9. 歡喜嶺下有一道溝,叫做流淚溝。
There is a joy Heights Erdaogou called tears ditch.
10. 麻醉方法均為肌間溝臂叢神經阻滯。
Anaesthetic method was continuous interscalene brachial plexus block.
溝(拼音:gōu),漢語漢字,筆畫7畫,左右結構。指的是田間水道;亦指一切通水道;也特指護城河等。組詞有山溝、溝渠。 相關古文有“苟為無本,七八月之間雨集,溝澮皆盈;其涸也,可立而待也。”出自《孟子·離婁下》。
名詞 ditch; channel; trench
1. 挖溝排水
dig trenches to drain the water away
2. 填溝
fill up a ditch
3. 一道/條溝
a ditch
名詞 gully; ravine
1. 亂石溝
boulder-strewn gully
名詞 furrow; groove; rut
1. 汽車從沙漠上開過,留下兩道溝。
The truck furrowed the sand as it crossed the desert.
2. 開溝播種
make furrows for sowing