站起的英文 站起用英語怎麼說?
stand up 起立;放鴿子, 背約;經驗證屬實, 站得住腳
1. 病人如果突然站起可能會暈倒。
Patients were liable to faint if they stood up too suddenly.
2. 這匹馬靠著強健的腰腿站起,前蹄在空中踢騰
The horse rose on its strong haunches, its forelegs pawing the air
3. 王完全地身心疲憊,簡直不能站起。
Wang was so completely unnerved that he was scarcely able to stand.
4. 沙斯塔聽到這兒便站起身來,掂著腳走開了。
At this point Shasta got up and tiptoed away.
5. 美國人今天所需要的經濟,要能讓人們再次站起。
Americans today need an economy that permits people to rise again.
6. 她剛出房門,福爾摩斯立刻站起,跑進他的屋中去。
Sherlock Holmes sprang to his feet the moment that she was gone and rushed into his room.
7. 你卻等待夢在明天站起。生死不離,我數秒等你的訊息。
N ever part in life and death, I count seconds to wait for your tiding .
8. 當被攻擊時你現在會自動站起;即使當攻擊未命中時也一樣。
You will now automatically stand up when attacked even if the attack doesn't land.
9. 國王滿臉通紅,霍地站起,你的意思是那些沒用的膽小鬼會故意失手?
The king rose to his feet, his face flushed. Are you telling me those prancing cravens will let me win?
10. 但是她四面看看,看見六七個孩子已經站起身子,往病房這邊走來了。
But, looking around, she saw that half a dozen twins were already on their feet and advancing down the ward.