明顯地的英文 明顯地用英語怎麼說?
evidently adv.顯然;明顯地;似乎;當然
markedly adv.顯著地;明顯地;引人注目地;醒目地
transparently adv.顯然地;明亮地;透明地;易覺察地
palpably adv.易覺察地;可觸知地
obviously adv.明顯地;顯然;顯而易見;不言而喻
visibly adv.明顯地;看得見地;顯然
distinctly adv.無疑地;明顯地;確實地;清楚地
overtly adv.明顯地;公然地;公開地;公然
常用 重點詞彙
1. 明顯地,我不是說你必須放棄一個才能擁有另一個。
And I'm definitely not saying that you have to give up one to have the other.
2. 大街上的商店將最明顯地感到經濟的下滑。
The high street shops will feel the draught most keenly.
3. 露茜的臉部表情明顯地表明了她那未說出口的疑問。
The unspoken question writ large upon Rose's face.
4. 在這個墓地裡,和死者的交流幾乎可以明顯地感覺到。
In this churchyard communion with the dead was almost palpable.
5. 她兒子的事故使她明顯地衰老了。
Her son's accident aged her quite noticeably.
6. 我很明顯地感覺到有人在監視我。
I have the distinct impression that I am is watch.
7. 它明顯地幫助我保持高的積極性!
And it definitely helps me stay motivated!
8. 這會明顯地降低利率,削弱美元。
It will clearly lower rates. It will weaken the dollar.
9. 女孩子的分數明顯地高於男孩子。
Marks were noticeably higher for girls than for boys.
10. 事實上,此二者不能被明顯地分開。
Nor in fact can they be separated with any clearness.
evidently; markedly; transparently; palpably; obviously; visibly; distinctly; overtly