適可而止的英文 適可而止用英語怎麼說?
go just as far as propitiousness/propriety requires; keep within proper bounds/limit; know how far to go; stop before going too far; know when or where to stop; not overdo a thing; play it just right; bind a sack before it is too full
常用 權威
1. 凡事適可而止。
Bind the sack before it be full.
2. 當然愛稱為乏味,只能是適可而止。
Calling something like love mundane, of course, is true only as far as it goes.
3. 有些人就是不知道什麼叫做適可而止。
Some people just don't know what is not overdo sth.
4. 得不到回報旳付出,我懂得適可而止
Don't get paid to pay, I know not overdo sth…
5. 他似乎從來不知道適可而止.
She never seem to know when to say when.
6. 進食適可而止,不要吃過多。
Eat just enough; don't eat excessively.
7. 適可而止,過猶不及.
A littlewind kindles , much puts out the fire.
8. 下面的一個建議我會經常發現:“適可而止。
A piece of advice I often see is, \Be moderate.\
9. 我並不介意有趣、健康的玩笑,但要適可而止。
I don't mind good, clean fun, but enough is enough.
10. [諺]往前走情形可能更壞(勸人適可而止).
You may go farther and fare worse.
適可而止是漢語成語,褒義詞,釋義是做到適當的程度就停止,比喻做事恰到好處。例句有“從來沒有暴風雨能夠持久的。果然持久了,我們也吃不消,所以我們要它適可而止”。 該成語出自先秦孔子《論語·鄉黨》“不多食”,宋朝朱熹集註:“適可而止,無貪心也”。偏正式結構,作謂語、賓語。 適可而止的近義詞有恰到好處、恰如其分,反義詞有得寸進尺、過猶不及。
null詞 go just as far as propitiousness/propriety requires; keep within proper bounds/limit; know how far to go; stop before going too far; know when or where to stop; not overdo a thing; play it just right; bind a sack before it is too full
go just as far as propitiousness/propriety requires; keep within proper bounds/limit; know how far to go; stop before going too far; know when or where to stop; not overdo a thing; play it just right; bind a sack before it is too full