手背的英文 手背用英語怎麼說?
back of a hand
常用 權威
1. 當你走到一扇緊閉的門前時,用手背檢查一下。
When you come to a closed door, check it with the back of your hand.
2. 按摩頸部和手背來促進血液迴圈。
Massage your neck and the backs of your hands to improve circulation.
3. 腫脹一般為單側幷包括手背和足背.
The swelling is typically unilateral and can include dorsum of the hand or foot.
4. 你還可以掐一下自己的手臂或手背。
You could also try pinching yourself on the arm or the back of the hand.
5. 側耳傾聽,並且輕拍他的手背。
Listen, and pat his hand.
6. 你的手背往向顧客,手掌對著自己。
The back of your hand is facing your client and the palm is toward you.
7. 一隻大蚊子正從她的手背吸血.
A large mosquito was sucking blood from the back of her hand.
8. 手背跟手腕出現紅色小點是為什麼?
Is the back of hand follows bit of artifice occurrence red why?
9. 手背是強壯有力的,沒有特定的名稱。
The outside or back of the hand is sinewy, and has no specific designation.
10. 他知道人們蠢得像他的手背。
He knew human folly like the back of his hand.
名詞 back of a hand