連的英文 連用英語怎麼說?
link n.事物間的聯絡;關聯;一環;瀝青和麻屑火把;橋樑;交通線;溝通的紐帶;聯絡;聯絡方式;鏈路
join v.連線;接合;參加;參與;聯合;參軍;入伍;陪同;隨同;與…匯合
connect v.連線;聯結;聯絡;結合;通電;聯運;聯姻;通水;使聯絡;連線以供通行
implicate v.表明…涉案;暗指;暗示;對…負一定責任
involve v.包括;包含;牽涉;捲入;使…經歷;使…參與
continuously adv.連續不斷地;連續地
in succession 一個接一個
in a row 成一排;成一行;成一直線;連續地;一連串地
one after another 一個接一個地
besides prep.除…以外
including prep.包括
even adv.甚至;即使
company n.公司;商號;陪伴;伴隨;交往;一群人;劇團;舞蹈團;同伴;朋友
常用 權威
1. 山炮連
mountain battery
2. 連拱橋
multiple-arch bridge; multi-arch bridge
3. 連心結
4. 連拱廊
5. 尖兵連
point company
6. 小兒連衫褲
7. 跑得連影子都看不見
run out of sight
1. 他們連一個生日蛋糕都買不起。
They couldn't afford a birthday cake.
2. 我們就連吃一頓飯也不能離開手機。
We just cannot leave our mobile phones for simply a meal.
3. 我試圖變得堅強,但連我父親都哭了。
I tried to be strong but even my father cried.
4. 然而,當新事物出現時,我們往往連它的名字都不知道。
Yet, when something new turns up, more often than not, we do not even know its name.
5. 我背部的疼痛難以忍受,甚至連基本的日常任務都變得困難。
The pain in my back was hard to bear and even basic daily tasks became difficult.
6. 此後我們連他的影子也沒有看到。
We haven’t seen hide or hair of him since then.
7. 那位年輕選手連爆冷門,進入決賽。
The young candidate pulled off upset after upset to get to the finals.
8. 天下著大雨,連方向也分辨不清了。
It was hard to tell directions in the heavy rainstorm.
9. 老師連一點兒小錯都不肯放過。
The teacher would not let the least little mistakes pass.
10. 屋裡堆得連下腳的空兒都沒有。
The house was so crammed that one found it hard to get in.
連(lián),漢字,左下包圍結構。有相接,就是的意思,也指軍隊的編制單位,“排”的上一級。也可指姓。可組詞為連帶、連坐、連長等。 相關的詩句有《管者·海王》“行服連軺輦者。”
連姓望族居住於上黨(即今天的山西長治)。 連姓在大陸未列入百家姓前一百位,在臺灣位列百家姓第五十四位。連姓的歷史十分古老,先秦時期名登《左傳》的連稱,即為最顯著的例子。
動詞 link; join; connect
1. 兩村由一條小路相連。
A path connects the two villages.
2. 根連著根
roots joining roots
副詞 continuously; in succession; in a row; one after another
1. 雨連著下了好幾天。
It rained for several days on end.
2. 一連三天
for three days in succession; for three days straight/running; for three days on end; for three successive days; for three full days
3. 好運連連
have a streak of good luck
4. 16連勝
claim/have 16 straight wins
5. 三連敗
three-game losing streak
6. 連勝/敗
be on a winning/losing streak
7. 連進三球
score three goals in succession
8. 連喊幾聲
shout several times; shout several shouts
9. 連連叫好
shout ‘Bravo' again and again; make exclamations of approval one after another
10. 連連得手
make it again and again
介詞 besides; including
1. 連你一共三個人。
There are three people, including you.
介詞 [used correlatively with也or都]even
1. 她激動得連話都說不出來了。
She was too excited to say/speak a word.
2. 他連自己的名字都不會寫。
He can't even write his own name. / He doesn't even know how to write his own name.
3. 你連他都不認識?
You don't even know him?
動詞 implicate; involve
1. 這件事把她也連上了。
She got involved in this, too.
名詞 company