灕江的英文 灕江用英語怎麼說?
Li Jiang River
常用 權威
1. 我迷路了,請告訴我灕江賓館在哪裡?
I'm lost. Can you tell me where the Lijiang Hotel is?
2. 灕江的水多麼清澈、純淨啊!
The water of the Lijiang River is so clear and pure.
3. 灕江明潔如鏡,清澈見底.
The Lijiang River is limpid with crystal water.
4. 桂林還以蜿蜒的灕江和桃花江聞名遐邇.
Guilin is also famous for its meandering Lijiang River and Peach Blossom River.
5. 象鼻山在灕江與桃花河交匯處突兀地顯現出來.
Elephant Trunk Hill juts out into the Li River where it joins the Peach Blossom River.
6. 因此,適應和共生是灕江流域的文化底蘊之一。
Therefore, adaption and co-existence is one of culture implications in Li River.
7. 探究灕江詩詞作為語文課程資源開發的教育價值。
The paper explores the educational value of the poems of one hundred li of Guilin Lijiang River in Chinese course.
8. 疊彩山舊名桂山,位於桂林市區東北部,濱臨灕江。
Gui Hill is used name, It lies eastern part of Gui Lin city , near Li River.
9. 數百萬的美國人對於灕江邊婀娜多姿的山巒記憶猶新.
The stunning mountains along the Li River are instantly familiar to millions and millions of Americans.
10. 百里灕江的每一處景緻,都是一幅典型的中國水墨畫.
Every scene of the hundred miles Lijiang River is a typical Chinese ink painting.
灕江,屬珠江流域西江水系,為支流桂江上游河段的通稱,位於廣西壯族自治區東北部。傳統意義上的灕江起點為桂江源頭越城嶺貓兒山,現代水文定義為興安縣溶江鎮靈渠口,終點為平樂三江口。灕江上游河段為大溶江,下游河段為傳統名稱的桂江。靈渠河口為桂江大溶江段和灕江段的分界點,荔浦河、恭城河口為灕江段和桂江段的分界點。灕江段全長164公里。沿江河床多為水質卵石,泥沙量小,水質清澈,兩岸多為岩溶地貌。旅遊資源豐富,著名的桂林山水就在灕江上。 關於旅遊文化請參閱:桂林灕江風景區
名詞 Li Jiang River [in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region]