在兩邊的英文 在兩邊用英語怎麼說?
on either hand
常用 重點詞彙
1. 海底小車在中間, 他們在兩邊走著。
The under-sea car went in the middle.
2. 在兩邊開的門六月的另一邊上倚靠櫃檯.
On the other side of the double doors Jun leaned against the counter.
3. 他們立刻在兩邊一起捅它.
And they pinched it on both sides at once.
4. 它可以是可逆的在兩邊。
It can be reversible on both the sides.
5. 他們把旗子橫跨街道懸掛在兩邊房子中間.
They hung flags across the street between the houses.
6. 海盜們把盾排列在兩邊船舷,一路乘風破浪.
The Vikings ranged their shields along the sides of the boats as they rode the waves.
7. 在古埃及, 在
In Ancient Egypt, doorways were built with or without a pylon on each side.
8. 莉薩懶洋洋地靠在椅子上,兩隻胳膊垂在兩邊.
Lisa was lolling in a chair with her arms hanging over the sides.
9. 有可能同時在兩國擁有固定住所而同時在兩邊被徵稅。
It is possible to have a permanent place of abode in two countries and be taxed in both.
10. 我不能想象你這樣愛整潔的人,在兩邊光線一樣的情況下,把臉刮成這個樣子。
I could not imagine a man of your habits looking at himself in an equal light and being satisfied with such a result.
on either hand