四季分明的英文 四季分明用英語怎麼說?
four distinctive seasons
常用 重點詞彙
1. 宜昌氣候宜人(很好)四季分明.
The weather in Yichang is very good with four distinctive seasons.
2. 宜昌的氣候特點是四季分明.
The climatic feature of Yichang is that the four seasons are demarcated.
3. 鄭州四季分明,氣候宜人。
Zhengzhou has a pleasant climate with four distinctive seasons.
4. 屬於暖溫帶大陸性氣候,一年四季分明。
Its climate belongs to the warm temperate zone.
5. 我的國家, 四季分明,但我最喜歡春天。
My country has four distinct seasons, but I like spring best.
6. 氣候特徵是: 全年溫和溼潤, 四季分明;
Climatic characteristics are: the annual mild and humid, with four distinct seasons;
7. 邯鄲市屬暖溫帶大陸性季風氣候, 四季分明.
Handan city climate of warm temperate continental monsoon climate, four distinct seasons.
8. 氣候溼潤,四季分明,5月到10月雨量充沛。
The weather is humid with clear four seasons and abundant in rainfall concentrating on the period from May to October.
9. 這裡氣候溫和,四季分明,雨水充沛,日照充足.
The place enjoys a temperate climate with well - marked seasons with plenty of rainfall and sunshine.
10. 四季分明, 季風強盛, 氣候溫和, 雨熱同季.
Four seasons, strong winds, moderate climate, with hot rainy season.
four distinctive seasons