大二學生的英文 大二學生用英語怎麼說?
sophomore n.大學二年級學生
常用 重點詞彙
1. 但是大多數大一學生和大二學生得另選課程。
But most freshmen and sophomores will have to choose alternatives.
2. 他是一個大二學生.
He is a sophomore.
3. 我們驚喜的事, 很多大二學生,也積極報名加入微軟.
To our surprise, many sophomores join our club eagerly.
4. 瀋陽航空工業學院公共管理專業大二學生崔璐(19歲)說.
Cui worked as a waitress at a Pizza Hut in the downtown area , earning only 4.
5. 比起古巴盜版媒體黑市頭目,他看起來更像是一個邋遢的大二學生。
He looked a lot more like an lazy college sophomore than the king pin of a national black market of pirated media.
6. 我每隔一個星期日都去紫竹院公園和幾個來自清華大學的大二學生交換最新的資訊。
I always go to the Purple Bamboo Park every other Sunday in exchange for some latest information with a couple of sophomores from Tsinghua University.
7. 調查發現,最好的社群大學在針對大一,大二學生的教學上做的要比中等的名牌大學要好。
It turns out that the best community colleges do a better job than the average elite research university at teaching freshman and sophomores.
8. Ernestine Fu可能是斯坦福大學第一個在學習全時課程期間進行風險投資的大二學生。
Ernestine Fu may be the first Stanford sophomore to work as a venture capitalist while carrying a full course load.
9. 我是大二學生,目前正在學習攝影,我當時之所以照下這張相,是因為我很喜歡這位老先生與他小狗間和諧的一幕。
I am a student photographer in the second year of my degree and I took the image as I loved the way the gentleman was with his little dog.
10. 對英語專業大二學生的測試表明:學生中普遍存在同根詞彙語音語內遷移現象,並且高頻詞彙影響其低頻同根詞的發音。
The findings from the experiment indicate that intralingual transfer has an effect on the pronunciations of the words from the same root among students.
大二學生 型別:換裝類 大小:3M 日期:2012-10-09 大二了,這一年你想有個新的變化嗎?那就來吧!
sophomore; sophister