被禁止的英文 被禁止用英語怎麼說?
be under an embargo
常用 重點詞彙
1. 誠然,英國的城鎮並沒有被禁止申請。
Britain's towns, it is true, are not prevented from applying.
2. 費爾蒙酒店表示,自2001年起伯奇爾就被禁止入住酒店,但現在歡迎他回來。
Banned from the hotel since 2001, Burchill is now welcome to come back, the Fairmont said.
3. 這則宣告對該案語焉不詳,公眾也被禁止討論該話題。
The statement did not elaborate on this case, and the public has been largely barred from discussing the topic.
4. 這名囚犯被禁止和他家人通訊息。
The prisoner was forbidden to communicate with his family.
5. 這支球隊被禁止參加歐洲聯賽。
The team was banned from European competition.
6. 我沒有被禁止飲用或貯藏酒精飲料。
I have not been interdicted from consuming or holding alcoholic beverages.
7. 新聞記者被禁止報道大選。
Journalists had been barred from covering the elections.
8. 這些食物是絕對被禁止的。
These foods are strictly forbidden.
9. 武裝部隊仍被禁止罷工。
Strikes remained proscribed in the armed forces.
10. 低空飛行是被禁止的。
Low-level flying was banned.
be under an embargo