從始至終的英文 從始至終用英語怎麼說?
from beginning to end phr.從頭到尾
from first to last 從頭至尾, 自始至終, 徹底地, 完全地
all along 一直;始終
常用 權威 重點詞彙
1. 他在會上從始至終一言未發。
He sat through the meeting without uttering a word.
2. 他從始至終忠實於你。
He has remained faithful to you all along.
3. 他以為他們從始至終
He thought they were encouraging him the entire time.
4. 而從始至終都沒有人象你一樣瞭解我
Through it all nobody gets me like you do.
5. 他們從始至終都在背單詞和學語法基礎.
From start to finish he ' s learning vocabulary and fundamentals of grammar.
6. 從始至終,黑巫師對過去的每一秒鐘瞭然於心。
All the while , the dark mage kept track of each passing second .
7. 但沒人能夠從始至終都表現得很好的,考試也不例外。
Since no one performs at his best all the time, examinees are no exceptions.
8. 而且因為從始至終你只有一個,這種表達也是獨一無二的。
And because there is only one of you in all time this expression is unique.
9. 電視或影片要求一個人從始至終地捕捉,故事連續性的記錄著;
TV or video requires a person to watch from start to finish, in a continuum, the story contained in the clip.
10. 這個顧客不可理喻, 但是店員從始至終都保持禮貌耐心的態度.
This customer was unreasonable, but the shop assistant remained polite and patient throughout.
null詞 from start to finish; from beginning to end; from first to last; all along
1. 他在會上從始至終一言未發。
He sat through the meeting without uttering a word.
2. 他從始至終忠實於你。
He has remained faithful to you all along.
from start to finish; from beginning to end; from first to last; all along