交出的英文 交出用英語怎麼說?
surrender v.投降;陷入;沉溺於;放棄;失利;退保;期滿前就放棄
hand over 交給, 遞交
give up 放棄
常用 權威
1. 交出贓物
surrender one's booty
2. 交出嫌疑犯
surrender the suspect
3. 交出違禁品
hand over contraband
4. 交出武器
surrender one's weapons
1. 申請新護照時,先必須交出舊的。
You must give up/surrender your old passport when applying for a new one.
2. 他們被迫交出製作唱片的非法所得。
They were made to disgorge all the profits made from the record.
3. 甚至很小的公司也要交出大筆的錢。
Even quite small companies parted with large sums.
4. 那人勉強交出了藏匿的鈔票。
The man grudgingly handed over a stash of notes.
5. 他就設法怎樣趁機會把耶穌交出。
And he sought a way to deliver Him up opportunely .
6. 那些流氓威逼我交出錢包給他們。
The hoodlums strong-armed me into giving them my wallet.
7. 交出你們的武器, 絕地武士!
Hand over your weapons, Jedi!
8. 清償的日子一到,她只有把你交出。
And her quietus is to render thee.
9. 罪人談德和他的隨從必須交出武器。
Criminal Damdeok and his followers should hand over all their armors .
10. 即使受到壓力,他仍拒絕交出檔案。
He refused to give the document up, even under pressure.
動詞 surrender; hand over; give up
1. 申請新護照時,先必須交出舊的。
You must give up/surrender your old passport when applying for a new one.
2. 交出職權
surrender one's leadership/powers
3. 交出贓物
surrender one's booty
4. 交出嫌疑犯
surrender the suspect
5. 交出違禁品
hand over contraband
6. 交出武器
surrender one's weapons