左轉彎的英文 左轉彎用英語怎麼說?
left turn n.左轉
常用 重點詞彙
1. 他們左轉彎,並加快了速度。
They made a left turn and picked up speed.
2. 穿過特拉法加廣場,然後左轉彎.
Cut across the Trafalgar Square and then turn leave.
3. 當看到一個汽車廣告時左轉彎.
When you see a motor car advertisement, turn left.
4. 我在下個路口左
I take the next left turn to the stop sign.
5. 我如記得不錯,我們現在該左轉彎了。
If I remember rightly, we turn left now.
6. 她用胳膊發出左轉彎訊號。
She given a left turning signal with her arm.
7. “左轉彎,開步走!”前邊又傳來口令。
Left about face , walking pace ! sounded the command in advance.
8. 在下一個紅綠燈處左轉彎。
Hang a left at the next stop light.
9. 向右轉,第一排左轉彎跑步走,後兩排跟上。
Right turn, the first line left turn and jog, the second and third lines follow.
10. 這裡車能左轉彎嗎?
Can a car turn left?
left-hand bend; left turn; turn to port