在農場工作的英文 在農場工作用英語怎麼說?
work on a farm
常用 重點詞彙
1. 在農場工作很辛苦,但令人滿意。
It was hard work on the farm but satisfying.
2. 我喜歡這個地方,因為人們很高興在農場工作,他們不需要很多東西就能快樂。
I like this place because the people are happy to work for example on a farm and they don't need a lot of things to be happy.
3. 他從小到大在農場工作了50多年。
He's been working that farm, man and boy, for more than 50 years.
4. 傑克在農場工作是用其所長。
Jack is in his element working on the farm.
5. 我永遠不會忘記在農場工作的那段時光。
Forget the time when we worked on the farm .
6. 對他來說,在農場工作是一種新的嘗試。
Working on a farm is a new departure for him.
7. "他們在農場工作的時候,雙手變粗糙了。"。
Their hands hardened when they worked on the farm.
8. 外祖父十四歲起便在農場工作,生活教會了他許多。
My grandfather began to work on the family farm when he was fourteen and learnt everything from the university of life.
9. 更重要的是,她的家人將永遠記得,他們在農場工作了多年。
Most importantly, her family will long remember, and they'll be working hard for many, many years on their farm.
10. 謝謝王淑傑的問候,我還始終記得在農場工作時的那些老朋友。
I do remember all the friends working on the bee farm.
on a farm
work; operate; job; task; assignment