困難地的英文 困難地用英語怎麼說?
uncomfortably adv.不舒適地;不自在地;令人不快地
with difficulty phr.困難地
常用 重點詞彙
1. 然而,那裡的人們現在可以毫無困難地生產蔬菜了。
However, people there can produce vegetables without any difficulty now.
2. 他們毫無困難地接續了他們的友誼。
They picked up their friendship without the slightest difficulty.
3. 我開始和我的親戚朋友玩,但我很快發現我可以毫無困難地打敗他們。
I began to play against my relations and friends but I soon found that I could beat them without any difficulty.
4. 我困難地照他的話辦了。
With difficulty I obeyed him.
5. 是她很困難地呼吸。程度淺
She was breathing with difficulty.
6. 我毫不困難地
I mastered English with no difficulty.
7. 他們舉步困難地登上這座山.
They stumped up the hill.
8. 他毫無困難地駁倒了這個謬論。
He had no difficulty in disposing of the fallacy.
9. 他毫無困難地駁倒了這個謬論。
He had no difficulty in disposing of the fallacy .
10. 我很困難地硬把那塊麵包吞下去。
I forced the bread down with difficulty.
uncomfortably; bows under; with difficulty