沒有營養的英文 沒有營養用英語怎麼說?
nonnutritive adj.無營養的; 與營養無關
常用 重點詞彙
1. 味精本身既沒有營養也沒有味道.
It has no nutritional value and no flavor of its own.
2. 這裡面沒有營養。
There is no sustenance in it.
3. 但是阿斯巴甜產品通常被認為是沒有營養的,
But the products in Aspartame is considered non nutritive.
4. 垃圾食品沒有營養,並且經常用化學藥品加工而成.
Junk food does not have nutrients and is often processed with chemicals.
5. 它跟漿果一樣,是由一絲絲充滿水分的纖維組成的,完全沒有營養。
It was composed of stringy filaments saturated with water, like the berries, and devoid of nourishment.
6. 許多的食物,你應該避擴音供很少或幾乎沒有營養
Many of the foods you should avoid offer little to no nutritional value and leave you feeling hungry.
7. 你可能會吃多,又或者是你吃了一些高熱量卻沒有營養價值的食物你卻不知道。
You may be eating more than you should or the foods you eat may be high in calories and low in nutrition value.
8. 現代裸子植物,諸如蕨類植物和銀杏,和被子植物相比明顯的非常沒有營養和粗硬。
Modern gymnosperms such as ferns and gingko are typically not very nutritious and are tougher to chew than angiosperms.
9. 不幸的是,在法式藍帶廚藝學校沒有營養資料,所以你只能猜測它們是怎樣準備食物的。
Unfortunately, there is no nutritional data next to the Cordon Bleu so you can only speculate as to how they are preparing food.
10. 尤其是很多人喜歡喝的脫脂牛奶,實際上只是一杯看起來像那麼回事而實際上沒有營養的奶。
Considering many people drink skimmed milk that leaves them with a pretty useless cup of milk.