毫無用處的英文 毫無用處用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2024-09-19



good for nothing 沒出息;一無是處;一無所長

常用 重點詞彙



1. 哀嘆她的命運毫無用處

It was no use bemoaning her lot.

2. 任何東西都要試一試,即使最終證明毫無用處

Always try everything even if it turns out to be a dud.

3. 除非我們手頭有更多的事實,否則猜測是毫無用處的。

Until we have more facts at our fingertips, there is no use in speculating.

4. 這在實踐中毫無用處

It was quite useless in practice.

5. 在塵土飛揚的街道上,除了我那幾乎毫無用處的拾音器的持續轟鳴聲,什麼聲音也聽不見。

Not a sound could be heard in the dusty street except for the continuous roar of my almost useless pick-up.

6. 簡言之,他毫無用處

In a word, he's useless.

7. 簡言之,他毫無用處

In a word , he's useless.

8. 做… 沒用;做… 毫無用處

It's useless doing sth.

9. 那些飾品在這裡毫無用處.

Their trinket is totally useless.

10. 與不講理的人爭論毫無用處

It is no use arguing with the people who won't see reason.



be utterly useless; be of no use at all; good for nothing; not at all useful

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