毫無疑義的英文 毫無疑義用英語怎麼說?
be beyond all doubt; There is not a shadow of doubt.; There is not the slightest doubt.
常用 重點詞彙
1. 我認為這是毫無疑義的.
I hold this as absolutely beyond doubt.
2. 這是必然的,毫無疑義的。(無)
This is inevitable and beyond all doubts.
3. 這是必然的,毫無疑義的,我們務必不要鬆懈自己的警惕性.
This is inevitable and beyond all doubt , and under no circumstances must we relax our vigilance.
4. 毫無疑義的, 我們的同情應該寄在波蘭人民方面.
Without the slightest doubt, our sympathy must go out to the Polish people.
5. 這種情形,毫無疑義地將激起廣大人民的反抗運動.
Surely all this will arouse movements of resistance among the masses.
6. 檢閱你“必須做”的事情清單是毫無疑義的。
Checking things off a To-Do list is rarely meaningful.
7. 毫無疑義,上下級的關係應當密切,應當是一種同志的關係。
It goes without saying that the higher levels should maintain close relations with the lower levels and that these should be comradely .
8. 塔妮婭: 那一定是起源於烏拉爾地的諺語,對我來說毫無疑義.
Tania: That must be a proverb from the Urals, it makes no sense to me.
9. 毫無疑義, 包裝制卡和會員卡製作企業有著巨大的市場需求.
Surely, the packaging business card printing and membership card making enterprise has a huge market demand.
10. 他們懂得死亡的真諦, 可卻由於自己的不死之身, 使得這種知識變得毫無疑義.
They know death of spirit, but their frames keep them immortal, nonetheless.
be beyond all doubt; There is not a shadow of doubt.; There is not the slightest doubt.