再一個的英文 再一個用英語怎麼說?
another det. & pro.(人;事物)又一個(的);再一個;事物)別的;不同的;另一類似的;又一個
常用 重點詞彙
1. 我隨時可以再要個新的。再一個。再一個。
I can always get another. And another. And... another.
2. 閃電束! 魔法飛彈! 火球術! 再一個火球術!
V : Lightning Bolt! Magic Missle! Fireball! Another Fireball!
3. 再一個是權力使用, 還要容忍法律滯後性.
Another is the authority use, but must tolerate the legal hysteresis quality.
4. 三亞,海南島-- 再一次,另外一個國家和汶萊有著一樣的感覺!
Sanya, Hainan Island - Again, another country that feels like Brunei!
5. 再一個主教拒絕圖示,另外,隨著資訊科技,保衛他們。
Again one synod rejects icons, and another
6. “沒有等到再一個雨季的來臨, 外祖父在睡眠中靜靜的死了. ”
Before the coming of another monsoon, my grandfather died in his sleep.
7. 另一個是漢娜站在浴盆前,伸出胳膊拿著浴巾,再一個就是漢娜騎著腳踏車,裙子隨風飄動的景象。
Another is Hanna standing in front of the tub holding the towel in her outstretched arms. Another is Hanna riding her bike with her skirt blowing in her slipstream.
8. 我們在傳給foreach 的這個字面函式中再一次使用了一個 _佔位符。
We use a _ placeholder shortcut again in another function literal that we pass to foreach.
9. 這個損失,我相信你從未承認,它使你傷殘,陷入無能的感覺,對再一次懷孕和另一個孩子的想法感到恐懼。
A loss, I believe, that you have never acknowledged and that cripples you into feeling powerless and panicked at the thought of another pregnancy and another child.
10. 再一個就是下家打出一張,你可以選擇槓,槓了往後你就多了抓牌的機會了。
Another is destiny in playing a piece, you can choose, and much more poles in the future you card.