小有名氣的英文 小有名氣用英語怎麼說?
be quite popular
have some reputation
be quite popular
be quite popular
常用 重點詞彙
1. 他在利明頓是一位小有名氣的藥劑師。
He set himself up as a druggist in Leamington.
2. 她的父親是個小有名氣的集郵家。
Her father had a considerable reputation as a philatelist.
3. 伯克夏爾小有名氣
The Berkshires have a little bit of a reputation for a reason.
4. 哈哈。我們在這一帶小有名氣。
Uh - huh. Well, we are kind of well-known in this area.
5. 在那座小有名氣的土山上有一座廟.
There is a temple on that reasonable well - known earthen hill.
6. 通常會有一條步行街,人們聚集在那裡表演街頭藝術,並會變得小有名氣
There would usually be a pedestrian street where people busked and they would become quite established.
7. Canela 麵包房以優選的甜美有機麵包而小有名氣。
Canela Bakery is known for its fine selection of sweet and organic breads.
8. 在成為演員之前,劉亦菲也是武漢地區小有名氣的攝影模特。
Before becoming an actor, Liu Yifei is somewhat famous in Wuhan photographic model.
9. 採用的是我們在法國特製的油漆,現在這種漆已經小有名氣了。
Finished with the now-famous paint specially mixed for us in France.
10. 在那兒,他做的煎蛋餅以及他的彬彬有禮和幽默詼諧使他小有名氣。
There he became well-known for his omelets, as well as his courtesy and good humor.
fame; name; reputation; renown; repute; eminence; distinction; prestige