學習班的英文 學習班用英語怎麼說?
study class; training class/course
1. 舉辦學習班
run a study class
1. 學習班按照自願原則劃分。
Study classes were organized on a voluntary basis.
2. 許多行政機關舉辦了《行政訴訟法》學習班.
Study classes for the Administrative Procedural Law have been organized by many administrative organs.
3. 參加劇本寫作學習班。
Take a screenwriting class.
4. 兩個月的學習班即將結業.
The two - month course is about to finish.
5. 馬斯太太給女兒報名參加芭蕾舞學習班.
Mrs Maas has enrolled her daughter in the Ballet class.
6. 它創辦了一個商業學習班並培養新式贊助人。
It created a merchant class and new type of patron.
7. 盡你所能學習有關談判過程的一切,可以透過讀書、參加研討會或者學習班。
Learn everything you can about the negotiating process. Read books, attend a seminar or take a class.
8. 所以他報讀歌唱學習班,每日學習發音和字彙。
So he enrolled in singing classes and practiced everyday on pronunciations and vocals .
9. 所以他報讀歌唱學習班,每日學習發音和字彙。
So he enrolled in singing classes and practiced everyday on pronunciations and vocals.
10. 有幾個學生參加了暑期速成學習班.
Some of the students went to summer sessions to accelerate.