弄潮兒的英文 弄潮兒用英語怎麼說?
risk-taker 冒險者的;冒險家的;樂意嘗試冒險的
常用 權威
1. 弄潮兒向濤頭立,手把紅旗旗不溼。
The tide riders surf the currents; the flags they hold up never get wet.
2. 弄潮兒箱套頭立。手把紅旗旗不溼。
The tide riders surf the currents, the flags they hold up never get wet.
3. 只有當潮漲時,你才會發現誰是弄潮兒
Only when the tide goes out do you discover who's been swimming naked.
4. 我遠古母親的兒子們,你們是弄潮兒。
Sons of my ancient mother, you riders of the tides.
5. 低銷售策略和智慧型意念的結合使得任天堂成為這一行業的弄潮兒.
The combination of low cost and clever ideas is turning Nintendo into a steamroller.
6. 作為萬物靈長的人,作為跨世紀的青少年,作為新時代的弄潮兒,我們就更應該有理想。
We are the cross-century young people. We are the beach-goers of a new era. So we should have our own dreams.
7. 在1930年代,梅窩漸成為弄潮兒的天堂,灣畔更建有酒店及小型市場,每逢週末遊人不絕。
Since the 1930s, the bay has become a popular swimming beach served by a hotel, used mostly by weekend visitors.
8. 也正是這奔騰不息的歲月之河, 不斷的召喚著我們成為命運的弄潮兒,同時給每一張面孔留下河水的微波.
And there is the time, luring all to conqure and so burdened be thee.
名詞 young person who battles/plays with the waves in a tide
名詞 risk-taker; person who has the courage to battle with risk
動詞 paddle in the sea; ride the sea
名詞 young person who battles/plays with the waves in a tide
名詞 risk-taker; person who has the courage to battle with risk