
General 更新 2025-03-04


Millions of people now have at least one television in their home nowadays.Is television a good or bad influence on society? Well television is in my opinion very good.

The television in today’s society has become a popular source of information. It acts as a source of information on a multitude of subjects for broadcast. For example, a person with a specific interest can subscribe to a TV channel which is relevant to his interest in order to receive information that he's interested in.

Next, the television often acts as an eye into the world around us. It informs us of the most recent happenings around the world. TV serves as the best means for a speedy spread of news about important incidents or events taking place. What has happened in the remotest corner of the world can reach us within minutes. This is very helpful in times of crisis when TV media is to be used for reporting news which needing immediate attention.

Along with informational and educational purposes, television serves as a media of entertainment as well. Watching various TV programs allows many people to relieve stress and unwind after a long days work.

In a nutshell, television today has many positive effects and influences on society. Therefore, I would like to emphasize that "TV is not a bad influence!" Thank you.








the advantages of watching TV is that when you watching it you are learning different kind of things as well, like when you see some advertisments they usually come with a lot of knowledges and beautiful arrangments and that kind of stuff, and you can get the latest news on TV and probably shopping on TV, and if sometimes you feel really you can watch movies and fun TV shows and some of them are really interesting and helpful in some ways.

the disadvantages are soemtimes you go too deep in it and you forget about times and maybe forget the homeworks and things you suppose to do, so sometimes it's a waste of time to watching TV and it's relly bad for our eyes if we watch that for a long time, and if you sit really close to it it will be bad for the eyes as well.



As we all know,a coin has two sides,in my opinion,sometimes watching TV is good for us,but sometimes it is bad for us.

We can watch TV in our free time,it can make us know more aubout the world and some useful things.It's helpful.

But if we watch TV too much or watch TV before we finish our studying task,It will be bad for our study,we may get low mark in tests.So I think if we watch TV in right way,it will be good for us.

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