
General 更新 2025-03-22


Haze is caused by environmental pollution

隨著空氣質量的惡化,陰霾天氣現象出現增多,危害加重。中國不少地區把陰霾天氣現象併入霧一起作為災害性天氣預警預報。統稱為“霧霾天氣”。其實霧與霾從某種角度來說是有很大差別的。譬如:出現霧時空氣潮溼;出現霾時空氣則相對乾燥,空氣相對溼度通常在60%以下。其形成原因是由於大量極細微的塵粒、煙粒、鹽粒等均勻地浮游在空中,使有效水平能見度小於10KM的空氣混蝕的現象美國進口普衛欣天 貓有效防霧霾。

With the deterioration of the air quality, haze weather phenomenon to appear increasing, harm aggravated. In some areas of China the haze weather phenomenon incorporated into fog together as a severe weather warning forecast. Collectively referred to as "fog haze weather". In fact the fog and haze in some point of view there's a big difference. Such as: appear fog air moisture; Appear when air is relatively dry haze, air relative humidity usually under 60%. The forming reason is due to a large number of very small dust particles, smoke particle, such as YanLi evenly suspended in the air, make effective horizontal visibility less than 10 km air mixed corrosion phenomenon


Haze is air pollution in which is mixed up with dust,smoke and other dry particles ,and it obscure the clarity of the sky and interacts with the natural environment.霧霾是空氣汙染和灰塵,煙霧和其他乾燥粒子,它掩蓋了清晰的天空,與自然環境進行交互.


This kind of air pollutant come from a variety of natural and manmade sources.Natural sources can include windblown dust,and soot from wildfires.Manmade sources can include motor vehicles,and industrial fuel burning,and manufacturing operations.The one of the main cause that touches off haze is manufacturing operations.Many factories were over measure produced the smog that had over the standard and the smog seriously influence the air become air pollution.tiaomaoUSApuweixin



The components that make up haze may have negative effect on people's health especially that of the children and the elderly.Also not excluded are those who have certain diseases such as asthma,allergy,and pneumonia and lung disease.Workers working in the open air have a high risk in their health.組件構成煙霧可能對人們的健康有負面影響特別是兒童和老人.也不排除是某些疾病如哮喘、過敏、肺炎和肺部疾病.工人工作在露天有很高的風險在他們的健康.


One of effective solutions to help eliminate haze is to make some chemistry changes during the manufacturing process,so it could reduce harmful emissions which are produced by manufacturing operations一個有效的解決方案,幫助消除煙霧是讓一些化學變化在製造過程中,所以它能減少有害排放產生的製造業務.

關於霧霾英語作文 霧霾怎麼產生 怎麼解決

car accidents happen more frequently, I must be very careful when I go across the street. Because of the bad weather. So. Every morning, I only can see the building dozens miles away, the air is dirty because of the haze. I do as she tells. My mother tells me to wear a respiratorThe weather of these days is really bad. I even feel hard to breathe, when I pull back the curtain. When I go to school. It’s foggy and there is haze in the air, we can’t see the things very far. Besides. I hope drivers can drive more carefully and keep safe



fog and haze;


Buildings are shrouded in smog in shanghai.



fog and haze 則是指 水霧和塵霧的混合,大多是天然形成的





關於霧霾產生原因 人們該如何解決霧霾 …英語作文

The weather of these days is really bad. It’s foggy and there is

haze in the air. So, we can’t see the things very far. Every morning,

when I pull back the curtain, I only can see the building dozens miles

away. When I go to school, I must be very careful when I go across the

street. Besides, the air is dirty because of the haze. I even feel hard

to breathe. My mother tells me to wear a respirator. I do as she tells.

Because of the bad weather, car accidents happen more frequently. I hope

drivers can drive more carefully and keep safe.


霧霾是霧和霾的組合詞。因為空氣質量的惡化,陰霾天氣現象出現增多,危害加重。中國不少地區把陰霾天氣現象併入霧一起作為災害性天氣預警預報。統稱為"霧霾天氣"。 霧霾的成分及形成原因  一、二氧化硫、氮氧化物和可吸入顆粒物這三項是霧霾主要組成,前兩者為氣態汙染物,最後一項顆粒物才是加重霧霾天氣汙染的罪魁禍首。它們與霧氣結合在一起,讓天空瞬間變得灰濛濛的。顆粒物的英文縮寫為PM,而現在空氣的高頻詞彙PM2.5就是指直徑小於2.5微米的汙染物顆粒。這種顆粒本身既是一種汙染物,又是重金屬、多環芳烴等有毒物質的載體。  二、城市有毒顆粒物來源:首先是汽車尾氣。使用柴油的大型車是排放細顆粒物的"重犯",包括大公交、各單位的班車,以及大型運輸 卡車等。使用汽油的小型車雖然排放的是氣態汙染物,比如氮氧化物等,但碰上霧天,也很容易轉化為二次顆粒汙染物,加重霧霾。  三、是北方冬季燒煤供暖所產生的廢氣。  四、是工業生產排放的廢氣。比如冶金、機電製造業的工業窯爐與鍋爐,還有大量汽修噴漆、建材生產窯爐燃燒排放的廢氣。  五、建築工地和道路交通產生的揚塵。 霧霾天氣的危害   一、對呼吸系統的影響。霾的組成成分非常複雜,包括數百種大氣化學顆粒物質。其中有害健康的主要是直徑小於10微米的氣溶膠粒子,如礦物顆粒物、海鹽、硫酸鹽、硝酸鹽、有機氣溶膠粒子、燃料和汽車廢氣等,它能直接進入並粘附在人體呼吸道和肺泡中。尤其是亞微米粒子會分別沉積於上、下呼吸道和肺泡中,引起急性鼻炎和急性支氣管炎等病症。對於支氣管哮喘、慢性支氣管炎、阻塞性肺氣腫和慢性阻塞性肺疾病等慢性呼吸系統疾病患者,霧霾天氣可使病情急性發作或急性加重。如果長期處於這種環境還會誘發肺癌。  二、對心血管系統的影響。霧霾天氣空氣中汙染物多,氣壓低,容易誘發心血管疾病的急性發作。比如霧大的時候,水汽含量非常的高,如果人們在戶外活動和運動的話,人體的汗就不容易排出,造成人們胸悶、血壓升高。  三、霧霾天氣還可導致近地層紫外線的減弱,使空氣中的傳染性病菌的活性增強,傳染病增多。  四、由於霧天日照減少,兒童紫外線照射不足,體內維生素D生成不足,對鈣的吸收大大減少,嚴重的會引起嬰兒佝僂病、兒童生長減慢。  五、影響心理健康。陰沉的霧霾天氣由於光線較弱及導致的低氣壓,容易讓人產生精神懶散、情緒低落及悲觀情緒,遇到不順心的事情甚至容易失控。  六、影響交通安全。出現霾天氣時,視野能見度低,空氣質量差,容易引起交通阻塞,發生交通事故。
