耳朵的英文 耳朵用英語怎麼說?
ear n.耳;耳朵;穗;傾聽;聽覺;注意;聽力;玉米穗
常用 權威
1. 耳朵軟
be credulous; be easily influenced; be susceptible to flattery
2. 挖耳朵
pick one's ear
3. 捂著耳朵
stop one's ears
4. 扯耳朵
pull sb by the ear
5. 耳朵眼兒
the external opening of the ear;hole in the ear lobe for earring
6. 耳朵底子
inflammation of the middle ear; otitis media; tympanitis
7. 擰耳朵
tweak sb's ear
8. 貼近耳朵低語
whisper in sb's ears
9. 耳朵有點兒聾
be slightly deaf
10. 聾子的耳朵
ears of a deaf person―unpractical object; sth ornamental
11. 支稜著耳朵聽
prick up one's ears
1. 移除病人鼻子和耳朵
Removing objects from patients' noses and ears.
2. 耳朵有三部分:外耳、中耳和內耳。
The ear has three parts: the outer ear (外耳), the middle ear and the inner ear (內耳) .
3. 耳朵裡也發現了棉球和鉛筆。
Cotton buds and pencils were also found in ears.
4. 孩子們有一種探索鼻子和耳朵的衝動。
Children have an impulse to explore their noses and ears.
5. 大象用它的長耳朵揮了揮手。
The elephant waved it away with his long ears.
6. 他的耳朵高高豎起,尾巴飛快地搖著。
His ears were raised high and his tail was wagging as fast as it could.
7. 他會站在那裡擺動他的耳朵,趕走蒼蠅。
There he will stand swinging his ears, to drive away the flies.
8. 當你按住耳朵時,喉嚨裡的神經能感覺到。
When you press your ear, the nerves in your throat can feel it.
9. 五到九歲的孩子來醫院時耳朵裡東西最多。
Five- to nine-year-olds come to the hospital with something in their ears the most.
10. 五到九歲的孩子最容易把東西塞到耳朵裡。
Five-to-nine-year-olds are the most likely to put things in their ears.
耳朵位於眼睛後面,是聽覺和位覺(平衡覺)的外周感覺器官。 耳朵包括外耳、中耳和內耳三部分,聽覺感受器和位覺感受器位於內耳,因此耳朵又叫位聽器。它具有辨別振動的功能,能將振動發出的聲音轉換成神經訊號,然後傳給大腦。
名詞 ear
1. 他幾乎不能相信自己的耳朵。
He could scarcely believe his ears.
2. 她的耳朵穿了耳孔。
Her ears are pierced.
3. 一個耳朵進,一個耳朵出
go in one ear and out the other
4. 耳朵尖
have long/sharp ears; have a keen/good/quick ear
5. 耳朵背
have cloth ears; be hard of hearing
6. 挖耳朵
pick one's ear
7. 豎起耳朵
prick/perk up/cock one's ears; strain one's ears
8. 塞住耳朵
close/shut/stop/stuff one's ears with sth
9. 揪/擰耳朵
pull/pinch sb's ear; seize sb by the ear
10. 穿耳朵
have one's ear lobes pierced (for wearing earrings)